What key arguments are there for (and against) God’s existence?

Arguments for God’s Existence

  • Evidentialism:
    • Uses evidence of supernatural events like Christ’s resurrection, demonic possessions, or near-death experiences.
    • Eyewitnesses and their sacrifices support these claims.
  • Moral Argument:
    • Objective morality requires a supreme authority (God).
    • Without God, moral disagreements are subjective opinions.
  • Cosmological Argument:
    • Everything caused must trace back to a First Cause (God).
    • God is eternal, unchanging, outside the universe, and all-powerful.
  • Aristotle & Aquinas’ “Act and Potency”:
    • Changes require an “unactualized actualizer” (pure act) — God.
    • God’s pure actuality makes Him eternal and unchangeable.
  • Pascal’s Wager:
    • Believing in God is the safer “bet,” as it risks nothing and offers potential infinite gain.
  • Teleological Argument:
    • The universe’s complexity and purpose imply a Designer.
    • Fine-tuned physical constants support this design.
  • Ontological Argument:
    • God is “that than which nothing greater can be conceived.”
    • A God who exists is greater than one who doesn’t, so God must exist.
  • Argument from Personal Experience:
    • Individual encounters with the divine (supernatural events, answered prayers) affirm faith.
  • Transcendental Argument:
    • Foundational concepts (logic, truth, consistency) only make sense if grounded in God.
  • Argument from Consciousness:
    • Consciousness isn’t reducible to physical parts, suggesting an immaterial soul or divine origin.
  • Argument from Mathematics:
    • Abstract mathematical truths (e.g., Euler’s Identity, Mandelbrot set) hint at a transcendent designer.

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