Why does God remain so “hidden”?

  • The book of Job ends with God showing his greatness and love without giving Job a direct explanation.
  • God’s hiddenness can feel prolonged, even for Christian leaders.
  • This hiddenness may teach reliance on knowledge and faith rather than feelings.
    The brokenness of the world, like static interfering with a radio signal, obscures God’s reality.
    There’s no clear answer to the hiddenness, but it reflects the brokenness of human existence.
    The cross and resurrection help address the challenge of God’s hiddenness amidst suffering.

Why would God command the death of so many people in the Bible (e.g., the Canaanites)?

How can a loving God send people to hell?

Why would God need people to worship Him (isn’t that egotistical and arrogant)?

Why does the “Old Testament God” seem different than the “New Testament God”?

Why would a good God allow suffering to exist?

Why would a good God allow evil to exist?

What are the practical implications of an atheistic worldview?

What key arguments are there for (and against) God’s existence?